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Undefining Beauty


What and who defines beauty and how do most people perceive it in this world?

Undefining Beauty began as Project Redefine Beauty, until we realised that by redefining beauty we would simply be giving it yet another definition that would limit us from perceiving and receiving everything that beauty can actually gift us.

so what if instead of redefining beauty we could remove all definitions of what it should be and what it should not be and undefine it?

And what if by eliminating judgement, projections and expectations we would actually be undefining beauty?

In some parts of this website you will still find references (such as articles and interviews) naming Project Redefine Beauty. Please be aware that whatever names Project Redefine Beauty was published before Undefining Beauty became the undefinable and potent Access Consciousness® specialty class it is today, with all the new awareness that keeps growing with each class being facilitated by Andrea Belluso.

Can we redefine beauty? Is there a better way to see, understand and teach the next generation what true beauty really means? And what if there was nothing to be taught simply because we all know and we all have always known what beauty is and it is simply a matter of acknowledging it?

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness® said “Ugly is created in the world, beauty just is” and Andrea Belluso, founder of Undefining Beauty said “Beauty is receiving with no judgement, no projections and no expectations” and from several conversations between Gary Douglas, Andrea Belluso and Amanda A. Belluso the magnitude of Undefining Beauty was born, where the conversation and exploration about beauty is no longer limited to our physical appearance and all the judgements around it, but it is much broader, including everything in this world and in our lives.

Did you know 7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way? 74% say they are under pressure to please everyone; 98% feel immense pressure from external sources to look a certain way. *Statistics here.


What would it be like to see yourself with no judgement, projections or expectations of you?

And what contribution could you be to the world if you were willing to use every single energy you have access to to create the life you desire?

The Undefining Beauty classes use the tools of Access Consciousness® together with the support of photography to undeniably acknowledge the unique, potent and infinite beings we truly be.

Beauty in this reality is something that has fixed points of view and lots of judgement always based on the physical appearance of a person or an object, on what they should look like in order to be considered beautiful and in order to fit into an “acceptable and successful” mould.

This defined beauty is seen all the time in today’s photography on social media, advertising and the fashion and beauty press as a form of judgement and measurement that gets people to compare each-other, and there is an enormous pressure to “fit into” the definition of beauty often related to success. So is the definition of beauty according to this reality as far from beauty as we can actually come?

What if true beauty was not related to one being judged as being beautiful or not, and what if it was not at all about fitting into any definition of beauty but to the lack of judgement, projections and expectations and the willingness to receive the true beauty of the being?

What if instead of looking at the physical appearance we could perceive the being in an undeniable, undefinable and potent way? Is then everyone and everything beautiful?

The Undefining Beauty classes are facilitated by award-winning, international fashion photographer and ex-modelling agent and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator Andrea Belluso, who today empowers others to “undefine beauty” by sharing 5 elements that reveal one’s true beauty, the beauty that goes beyond their physical appearance and also using the tools of Access Consciousness® as well as photography as a facilitation tool. 

What would it be like to finally be authentic, vulnerable, unpretentious, nonconforming and to have the courage to choose what works for you?

When you look at someone, including yourself, without any judgement, projections, expectations, rejections or separations, you are able to see YOU as the being and not you as the image you are trying to create in order to fit into this reality and see and be the invitation to the true beauty you be? And how many images are you creating every day in order to fit in someone else’s universe?


Beauty is about receiving with no judgment, no projections and no expectations.
— Andrea Belluso

The 5 elements of undefining beauty

From his decades of experience in the fashion industry, Belluso believes there are five qualities far more beautiful than skin-deep attractiveness:

Vulnerability: Andrea Belluso says there are few things as attractive as a person with all of their emotional barriers down. “When you have somebody in front the camera who is willing to let the shields come down, to be vulnerable and let all of themselves be seen, it’s truly amazing.”

Authenticity: “To me, beauty means being willing to play with all aspects and energies of your being and exploring even those parts of yourself that are not socially acceptable”, Belluso says. He believes people should be more playful about who they are and allow themselves to ‘act out’ on occasion, if that would create greater for them or if it would simply be fun for them. “Look at the divas of Hollywood’s Golden Era. They would stamp and pout if the occasion demanded it. Why not play with that part of yourself? Beauty can actually look like ‘ugly’ behaviour sometimes.”

Non-conformity: Andrea Belluso remarks “History shows us that the things we regard as beautiful now could be judged as ugly in 25 years. And vice versa.” Importantly, he would like to point out where fashion and societal trends actually begin – with the individual. “Fashion is not actually about creators. Fashion designers are just spotting trends; following other people. The creation of fashion truly starts in the streets. We create new trends and ideals. It starts with us … if we are willing to be creators, not followers. Fashion is simply created for those who are not willing to be themselves, to choose for themselves and who feel the need to be accepted and to fit in”.

Non-pretentiousness: Andrea Belluso believes that there is never any need for exaggeration or aggrandissement. “Your beauty speaks for itself. Don’t try to show off or exaggerate who you are. Don’t act; just be the greatness that you are. In my experience, dressing down – in any form and any facet of your life – is just as appealing as being dressed to the nines. And having said that, feel free to act out and exaggerate who or what you choose to be at any given time, if that is fun for you or if you get it would create greater.”

The courage to choose what’s best for you: Finally, Andrea Belluso recalls a ‘dark period’ in his life. “I was dealing with a divorce, business failure and looming bankruptcy. I was feeling so low that I knew I only had two choices: going to a nearby bridge and jumping or going to a clinic and dealing with my mental health issues.” It was at this time that Belluso realised everything in life was a result of his choices, and that he had the power to choose greater things for himself. “I began to see these experiences – the divorce, giving away my businesses – as points of creation and not destruction. They set me free and gave me total liberty to choose for myself, no matter what. We all have that choice – and it is truly beautiful when you see people starting choosing what’s best for themselves.”


Andrea Belluso is also inviting photographers, models, actors and everyone else in front of behind a camera to the Undefining Beauty classes and he is also available for press and media interview, for modelling agencies consultations on how to empower their models and talent for schools desiring to create a new future for their students, undefining what they have known to be “beauty” until now and for anyone that would like to truly discover their own beauty.

Andrea Belluso holds live classes all over the world and online on this subject in order to invite the world to greater and infinite possibilities beyond definitions and judgement.